Saturday, May 7, 2011

As usual, I'm still busy with hanging out

hang out with my babe boy and having our breakfast-dim sum @ Air Itam with 'Xingderella'


babe boy took this :)
although i'm not using DSLR, but i felt that got the feel that using DSLR
Isn't it ? Haaaa... *self high*
After dim sum, finally babe boy accompanied me to watch 'Don't go breaking my heart' @ Gurney
Thx love ;D
after movie, met up W.K and S.S and we went into Redbox

I love this so much
Thx for the photographer,W.k ;D

And now, i'm going to tell you how random we are

Babe boy went Genting Highland with his classmates

and I don't know since when we(S.S,W.K and me) are so random

we just simpily said, 'then go up to find him la'

and this 'random activity' had been created successfully

and this activity created without knowing my babe boy, Teehee

We're just trying to give him surprise

We booked the bus ticket at Thrusday and we our trip began at Friday morning

Stephanie joined us too, I think she's more random than us =X

I can't believe that ;DD

Well, I like the tone much ;)

Liz* Steph

S.S* Liz* W.K
i think babe boy got shocked after saw us in front of his hotel


sorry for making you felt that always have an eyes stare at you

but i don't mean that.

although you're not always with us along the trip, but I did enjoy well too ;)

It's time for me to stick my head on the notes again, Mid-term is on Monday

bloody hell ! exam exam always exam.

I don't likey :(