I don't know what am I actually busy or maybe due to my dont-feel-like blogging mood then didnt update for such a long time.
I think i am here to report do's for my every semester begin or ending. Heee*
I cant write all what's happen within his three month as I dont know where to start. paiseh laa
By the way, today is my last day freedom. *sigh
Tomorrow i am going to training in G-Hotel.
Actually, we have chosen Eastin Hotel to train, but due to the hotel just offered us two department to train in four month.
It's kind of bored and lack of experience while others could experience working in different department in different hotel.
what to say ? someone told me that I should prepare to being bully once go in the hotel.
I hope it wont happen to me and not as bad as i think *pray hard
My first department to train is Housekeeping @@
Wish me luck !
give a lot alot of luck . Thanks god :D
*I started to feel nervous**