attended my Bro wedding registeration today
been there about 12:30p.m
everyone look happy today,especially my daddy.
caused he gona have a ''daughter-in-law'' dyyy
Let photos tell you the story =)
Let photos tell you the story =)
but due to Wilson kept calling,so no choice, me and dear sacrified accomapany him go luu
watched The Wolfman that day
ermmm, consider not bad larr.
but my ah dear kept closing her eyes when the horror part begin
after that, we went Paddington house of Pancakes for dinner
the photos shown in the pictures look really nice right ?
but the taste for me was totally suck
so i just finished the Salmon in the end *hiak hiak
met K.K too, caused he worked at Jefferson (beside the pancake shop)
thank for Wilson played the host, so we don't need to pay *wink
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