finally i'm blogging.I meant I wasn't into the blogging mood pass few weeks
busy with assignments, exam,hanging out,and so on.
It really drove me to insane.
and there're alots of things happened this few weeks
I was free and nothing to do since the streamxy line was freaking down this few days and caused me cannot load the PPS to watch movie due to the Japan's Tsunami occured
so, i'm blogging now :)
my sounds like abit down.
Yes, I am !
Human would become moodless thou there is a reason or no reason.
I'm get used to it.
sem break-ing you know ? Liz Tan !
why don't you just enjoy your holiday after the exam was over.
NO ! there're still many problems doesn't completely solve yet.
I wanna slim down ! Starving myself, suffering myself, i done all this
But the progress was fucking slow man
So what you cut off the 9kg ? so what your pants or whatever became loose ?
You're still that FAT !
come on, prove it, Si DUA PUI !
*sorry readers,i just have to use this way to motivate myself *LOL
hopefully I can handle it LMAO
by the way, i wondering how people can maintain their relationship until 3 years, 4 years or even 10 years ?
I felt that I lost the confident to maintain our relation suddenly.
Don't know why ? can you tell me ?
viewied back all the photos we've taken, what you wrote on ur blog and memories.
I felt that i failed to be a good girlfriend to you.
You're definitely a good -temper person.
you said that i'm the one can caused you to get angry,i'm sorry baby.
you asked me to tell you everything honestly,sorry to say that i did not do this sometimes
I admitted i got a lil disappointed that there's some events you didn't celebbrate with me
but i know you have your own problem too, so i really didn't angry you
don't blame yourself please.
Things that made us quarrel for the pass few weeks or months,just forget it.
I know i hard to do this,but i'll try k ?
You promised me won't think too much too as ur blog mentioned. *cross finger
I dreamed u said break up with me last night *terrible
Finally, finished the 2nd semester, it was a short sem.
seriously, i hate it !
I don't like short sem, so many projects and works were rushing us and exam were forcing us into pressure and our brain like squeeze and squeeze the lemon juice in a 100ml bottle.
fortunately, long sem going start after this holiday.
hope can improve my english as soon as possible
Depress depress for the end of Feb and begining of March,but I guess bad day are getting over soon.
Bless me not to fail any paper of Sem2, please please T.T
nothing much to say, enjoy holidays my coursemate, great day to everyone
I'll continue fight for the slimming plan and of course maintain our relationship as well.
smile baby :)
lastly, Pray for Japan ;D