Ok, here come my birthday post.
I am having a great great birthday in this year that I ever had.
It's hard to tell you all how my loves one surprised me , but it was really out of my expectation.
Well, this is my Big big butt's cake
funny right ? some more leopard panties.
I salute to all of you laa LOL
I am a bit down when i turn to the back can't see him as there is about 20 peoples behind me
I can't find him
ended up, he was the one took the cake for me.
watch out the expression LOL
Thanks to my baby boy lie me and gave me such surprise with my lovely friends
*where got people say thanks to the one who lie to ownself one * = =
I love them !
They always by my side whenever I'm sad, I'm emo, I'm happy,
Thanks for the birthday video. I love it so so much.
It was the greatest present for me, seriously ! *so touching**

Thanks for all who willing to space out their time to attend my birthday party.
You all always in my heart *appreciated**
Another surprise given by another gang TEEHEE
baby boy again ! lie me again !
drove me to gotong -royong in the morning, drove me to lunch, drove me to 1ST Avenue to have my love-Chatime
and I keep screamed that I wanted to back home to have a bath
Ok, when I reached my home. there's still no one
when I opened my room's door
Oh Godddd !!!
Can you see my room ? It have been decorated by them nicely
seriously, my room never been so nice before. *my room was so messy before i went out in the morning**
I got shocked after saw this, and two girls appeared infront of me, andS.S ,W.K and my babe boy came from the back with birthday song
I'm really happy as I can see my dear that I long time never meet her, and bird peopleAh Beh, so long never hang out with us.
Xingderella, and Hean came after that, and we went Gurney and Tambun to have our dinner

Buddies, Besties, Thanks for giving me a great birthday :)
Love <3
28th of June
came to my real date of my birthday
having extra class in the morning.
ended class. my car full of wishes in many pieces of colourful paper
People who walked by also took picture LMAO
This have to thank the 3 gold flower who collect wishes from everyone and sticked on my car under a hot sun
I will find a nice place to park next year HAHAHA
Thanks ! you all had done alot to me :)
I love you all <3<3
Aww !! finally.
People waited this night for so long.
Yes, it's our night, HBM night, our course night :)
venue-E&O hotel
outlook of the day :D
wearing wig, and wear sleveless dress :(
everyone looks so great here, make up, hair styling, dressing.
Cool man !! :D
I would like to say, it was a success on that night.
All of us enjoyed the night as well included our lecturer dance on the stage too LOL
Ok, going to say byebye to great days
Hard day coming soon !
seem like i have not prepare anything yet as previous semester do's.
Is time to turn on my study mode.
but now i am hearing Burno Mar's - Lazy song
Today I don't feel like doing anything, I just wanna lay in my bed
I am having a great great birthday in this year that I ever had.
It's hard to tell you all how my loves one surprised me , but it was really out of my expectation.

funny right ? some more leopard panties.
I salute to all of you laa LOL
I am a bit down when i turn to the back can't see him as there is about 20 peoples behind me
I can't find him
ended up, he was the one took the cake for me.

Thanks to my baby boy lie me and gave me such surprise with my lovely friends
*where got people say thanks to the one who lie to ownself one * = =

They always by my side whenever I'm sad, I'm emo, I'm happy,
Thanks for the birthday video. I love it so so much.
It was the greatest present for me, seriously ! *so touching**

You all always in my heart *appreciated**
Another surprise given by another gang TEEHEE
baby boy again ! lie me again !
drove me to gotong -royong in the morning, drove me to lunch, drove me to 1ST Avenue to have my love-Chatime
and I keep screamed that I wanted to back home to have a bath
Ok, when I reached my home. there's still no one
when I opened my room's door
Oh Godddd !!!

seriously, my room never been so nice before. *my room was so messy before i went out in the morning**
I got shocked after saw this, and two girls appeared infront of me, andS.S ,W.K and my babe boy came from the back with birthday song
I'm really happy as I can see my dear that I long time never meet her, and bird peopleAh Beh, so long never hang out with us.
Xingderella, and Hean came after that, and we went Gurney and Tambun to have our dinner

Love <3
28th of June
came to my real date of my birthday
having extra class in the morning.
ended class. my car full of wishes in many pieces of colourful paper
People who walked by also took picture LMAO
This have to thank the 3 gold flower who collect wishes from everyone and sticked on my car under a hot sun
I will find a nice place to park next year HAHAHA

I love you all <3<3
Aww !! finally.
People waited this night for so long.
Yes, it's our night, HBM night, our course night :)
venue-E&O hotel

wearing wig, and wear sleveless dress :(

Cool man !! :D
I would like to say, it was a success on that night.
All of us enjoyed the night as well included our lecturer dance on the stage too LOL
Ok, going to say byebye to great days
Hard day coming soon !
seem like i have not prepare anything yet as previous semester do's.
Is time to turn on my study mode.
but now i am hearing Burno Mar's - Lazy song
Today I don't feel like doing anything, I just wanna lay in my bed