Monday (5-7-2010)
stayed at house whole
and due to nothing to do
photoshooting again
stayed at house whole
and due to nothing to do
photoshooting again

Bro went up early this morning
and started decorate his bride room at 9pm
wedding day coming soon, but i can't wait for it dyy
Sis didn't work today, we headed Guerny about 11pm
and I went Queensbay alone for window shopping and met Vivian there
it made me recalled back those day we hang out together and how crazy we are
hmm, sweet memory. I'm lovin it =)
then picked up Witz and straight forward to Pragin Mall
because have to took my phone for repair
RM140 fly away again
i'm totally broke recently... *helpppppp*
Wednesday (7-7-2010)
what a day huh ?
everyday just hang out ?
Haa...see how i enjoy my life
went to Queensbay with those fellow again (Ah Beh,W.K, Z.M)

mummy dropped me and Ah Beh there
and we hanging aroung while the two boys having their lunch
after we met up, having high-tea at Station One
movie started at 4:3opm
actually I don't know what the movie trying to tell
after movie, waited for mummy pass her car to me
i've promised drive them back
so we having our dinner at Johnny
see... eat till so happy xD
they ordered steamboat, i bear myself away from the food successfully =D
and we moved to Paradise's beach after that
hmmmm... CONFUSING that time
hard to say out the feeling here ='(
and... and... congrated ! you finally succeed HAHAHAHA
STOP calling me speedy girl again please !
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