well, went to watch Descent 2 last Friday but i slept in the cinema about half and hour
but counted ok because at least we knew what's the story tell
after movie, we headed to pasar malam
just to buy a cup of milk shake ? LOL

*this is our Omelette*
practical exam held at next Tuesday
Babe Steph and Elaine came to my house to learn napkin folding,carrot's cutting and fried eggs
we're having egg-phobia is this week
there's too great a consumption of eggs on practical day
i wonder when we're going to have high cholesterol in one day
anyhow,we just wish to pass in our exam
lets make it together. WooHoo
at night, went to Queensbay with Steph
she bought a pair of heels
Elaine didn't join us due to she have to work at night
and I ? bought a new shirt Teehee
Babe Steph and Elaine came to my house to learn napkin folding,carrot's cutting and fried eggs
we're having egg-phobia is this week
there's too great a consumption of eggs on practical day
i wonder when we're going to have high cholesterol in one day
anyhow,we just wish to pass in our exam
lets make it together. WooHoo
at night, went to Queensbay with Steph
she bought a pair of heels
Elaine didn't join us due to she have to work at night
and I ? bought a new shirt Teehee

and went to old house to pray for our ancestors
there was a suddden whim to go shopping that time
so off to Queensbay again with Witz
we shop like crazy
kept tried and tried the clothes in the fitting room
i think the salesgirl seriously irritated by us dyyy
In fact, it was fucking heavy and big
it's hard for me to carry 3 plates in two hands
i can't imagine that if the plate was full of food, and accidentally pour on customer's body
i think it will be terrible indeed
NO NO NO ! this shouldn't happen on me !
finally, practical exam was over
and the section which made me so proud was napkin folding section
but i done badly in changing table cloth section
i don't know what the hell i'm doing that time
and the happiest part,hiak hiak, i can handle the plates thou my hands was trembled
anyway, its a good begining ;-)

met up with Steph and Yijiu (B group's member) at Kim Gary after their exam
then watched love is disguise
I found out that Lee Hom has a good singing voice after watched this movie
I didn't notice about him previously
anyway, i've to do well in my servive section by next week
may god bless me ?
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