I've used 2 weeks time to finish this movie
love this movie so much in case it was funny,touch and warm..

Charmaine Sheh ♥♥♥
she looks pretty right ?
w/f the male main character Moses Chan
oh no....he was a damn funny actor
next on...Thursday went Gurney watched movie with my dearest babe boy
The Perfect Wedding
Goshhh, Elaine told me one of the actress's breast damn big
no doubt, she really do...
by the way, it counted a nice movie in my opinion.
Saturday-dated my Babe Lyn and we went to Pragin Mall
it was such a long time didn't hang out with her
Feeling GOOD ! ;))
having lunch there and shop for 4 hours there
as you know my pattern, i never miss the chance to spend money =/

she looks prettier and prettier by the time ♥
i got the news by knowing Charmaine Sheh coming to Gurney this Saturday
but too bad, i just can saw her from the top
i mean her HAIR...
i lost the opportunity to see her real face... sad case
There was crowded like hell
Ishhhhh.... i couldn't see my idol
Last but not least, Happy Halloween =)
love this movie so much in case it was funny,touch and warm..

she looks pretty right ?

oh no....he was a damn funny actor
next on...Thursday went Gurney watched movie with my dearest babe boy

Goshhh, Elaine told me one of the actress's breast damn big
no doubt, she really do...
by the way, it counted a nice movie in my opinion.
Saturday-dated my Babe Lyn and we went to Pragin Mall
it was such a long time didn't hang out with her
Feeling GOOD ! ;))
having lunch there and shop for 4 hours there
as you know my pattern, i never miss the chance to spend money =/

but too bad, i just can saw her from the top
i mean her HAIR...
i lost the opportunity to see her real face... sad case
There was crowded like hell
Ishhhhh.... i couldn't see my idol
Last but not least, Happy Halloween =)
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