2 more days, we going to say byebye to 2010
and say Hi to 2011
life passed like a blink of an eyes,u couldn't imagine how fast is it.
therefore, i would like to take this opportunity to greet and say thanks to everyone who's around me
no one will know what's going to happen on tomorrow, i do really appreciated all of you with my sincere heart ;))
First of all-Parents
They are spiritual and 'financial' support of mine Teehe
The love they gave that's no one could replace.
they gave me what i want if they really can afford it.
this is why i always feel my home was so sweet and warm indeed
I love you daddy and mummy ♥
My babes ♥
(Celyn, Suh Wei,Gwenny , Elaine, Jiue, Ke Yi)
They always beside me when i'm happy, sad, crazy,and even emo
we shopping, we gossip, we smile , we joke, we 'ai sui' together

Lyn, Gwenny-knew both of u from primary school when we're standard 5 if not mistaken ?
since when we know each other so well ya ? forgive me, i do really forget about it dyy. someone remind me please ;(( we like photoshooting, especially Celyn. Sometimes we even can photoshoot infront of Lyn's house playground. all the people keep look on us, but we shoot like nobody business. omfg.the moment that we walked to eat 'Tau-fu-fah',the look when Lyn cycled to school,macam Vietnam Po ? remember ? and Gwenny go to school with her hair band LOL. and flashed back to last time, my hair messy like grass, HAHAHA !童年无忌 laaa..
Suh Wei- this fellow i think i knew her from Standard 4, K class right ? LOL She always came to my old house last time, kampung maa. that's why can sit the motor that i ride to round the whole kampung, and unfortunately chased by the dumb dumb doggies Hahaha ! the lucky one was we get into the same school when secondary school but different class. who ask her result is much better than mine ? sad ;(( but we still can mix together when i moved house to Lip Sin, floor just on top of you only. Hello,girl ;D after that, we mixed deeper after you've your hubby. and we hang out always.that so called bird-couple =]]
Elaine- knew her from Gwenny bday celebration @ E&O,which is year ago.we're in the same college now. yayyy ! she's always be my good listener when i'm facing relationship problem and so on. i would make u a butter as reward, dun worry babe ;)) i knew u like it HAHAHa ! and please la, dun laugh with your evil sound anymore, 'su boon tam bok' la =X
Jiue,Ke Yi- knew them from college, which is fifth moth ago. the first impression that they gave me is -LCLY = =(when they walked in to the class ),i just realized how talkative they are after mix very very well with'em.yours not lcly anymore, hahaha ! you know la girl ma, always like to gossip here gossip there. both of them, Elaine and me considered as 四朵金花?dun play play ah.having the very first christmas eve with them although just watched a movie @ Queensbay, at least not just facing pc as every year do's.=X
My beloved,my babe boy
knew him since i was in Form 5, we're in the same class. we do mix well after science's teacher arranged the place in science lab. there's always a special feel towards him.so i could tell him what's inside my heart.we missed the chance together before, but i'm yours now ;))
dear, don't keep on ask me that when is the first time you hold my hand la, i remember dyy la, it was 11/7 @ my bro's wedding day ;P
sorry for letting you upset sometimes, and thanks for your good temper that could always bear to my bad temper as well.I'm glad that having you besides me. Thanks god giving me such guy.thanks for ur caring and loving.
i'm glad to have all of you thou sometimes we crushed with each other because of some tiny thingy
but there's always rainbow after the rain isn't it ?
friendship forever and ever
Appreciated ♥
Craved for 2011
and say Hi to 2011
life passed like a blink of an eyes,u couldn't imagine how fast is it.
therefore, i would like to take this opportunity to greet and say thanks to everyone who's around me
no one will know what's going to happen on tomorrow, i do really appreciated all of you with my sincere heart ;))

They are spiritual and 'financial' support of mine Teehe
The love they gave that's no one could replace.
they gave me what i want if they really can afford it.
this is why i always feel my home was so sweet and warm indeed
I love you daddy and mummy ♥
My babes ♥
(Celyn, Suh Wei,Gwenny , Elaine, Jiue, Ke Yi)
They always beside me when i'm happy, sad, crazy,and even emo
we shopping, we gossip, we smile , we joke, we 'ai sui' together

Lyn, Gwenny-knew both of u from primary school when we're standard 5 if not mistaken ?
since when we know each other so well ya ? forgive me, i do really forget about it dyy. someone remind me please ;(( we like photoshooting, especially Celyn. Sometimes we even can photoshoot infront of Lyn's house playground. all the people keep look on us, but we shoot like nobody business. omfg.the moment that we walked to eat 'Tau-fu-fah',the look when Lyn cycled to school,macam Vietnam Po ? remember ? and Gwenny go to school with her hair band LOL. and flashed back to last time, my hair messy like grass, HAHAHA !童年无忌 laaa..

knew him since i was in Form 5, we're in the same class. we do mix well after science's teacher arranged the place in science lab. there's always a special feel towards him.so i could tell him what's inside my heart.we missed the chance together before, but i'm yours now ;))
dear, don't keep on ask me that when is the first time you hold my hand la, i remember dyy la, it was 11/7 @ my bro's wedding day ;P
sorry for letting you upset sometimes, and thanks for your good temper that could always bear to my bad temper as well.I'm glad that having you besides me. Thanks god giving me such guy.thanks for ur caring and loving.
i'm glad to have all of you thou sometimes we crushed with each other because of some tiny thingy
but there's always rainbow after the rain isn't it ?
friendship forever and ever
Appreciated ♥
Craved for 2011
-shopping . when is our next shopping ? ;((jimui ? i need a new bag, few pairs of heel, so on and so on.
-a lappy in pink (i'm waiting for it, it will come before CNY ) teehee
-a birthday cake (i've pass a 'nothing' birthday in this year,i hate it, i don't like. thanks for Ah Beh giving me a piece of cake this year)i 've passed a lonely birthday this year ;C
last but not least, ANG PAUS many many this year , muahahhaha !!!
-a lappy in pink (i'm waiting for it, it will come before CNY ) teehee
-a birthday cake (i've pass a 'nothing' birthday in this year,i hate it, i don't like. thanks for Ah Beh giving me a piece of cake this year)i 've passed a lonely birthday this year ;C
last but not least, ANG PAUS many many this year , muahahhaha !!!
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