Monday, March 29, 2010

edited by Lynie Yuka

hmm. seem like i didn't update my blog for long time dyyy
those pictures taken few days ago
and now only posted up
all have to blame my stupid streamxy spoiled again
the light keep blinking and dunno blink for what *goshhhh
already reported to TMnet
but the services i can said DAMN SUCK
more than one week dyy stuill din't come
after the line turn stable, i will always update blog dyyy =)

Monday, March 22, 2010

上线了一会儿,而她呢 ? 却在睡觉
就干脆到 Queensbay的 Dave Deli 吃吧
刚好和Quenyman chatting着,就叫她跟我们一起去好了
本想到 Witz 家过夜,可是还是免了吧

美容 ? 酒店 ? 中六 ?

我还是比较享受给你追的感觉, haha
你什么时候还会出现在我梦里呢 ?

谢谢 Babe,你最了解我了

Sunday, March 21, 2010

① 被点者请在自己的网志上打上答案
② 请传给另外十个人
③ 传阅人请在这十位被点的人的留言板上通知他,他被点咯!
④ 这当中的十位不得拒绝
⑤ 被点者请注明被谁点了在哪里接到再传给下十位
⑥ 这些被点名者,你们被点会祝福
⑦ 不可回点哦,并且愿望会实现和得到幸

① 绰号:Liz aka Sin Ting
② 星座:巨蟹座
③ 生日:6月28号
④ 兴趣:听音乐,化妆
⑤ 血型:B
⑥ 最宝贵的东西:头发
⑦ 最討厭的东西:没有钱咯
① 有喜欢的人吗:有
② 有交往吗:没有
③ 幸福吗:幸福♥因为有我爱的家人和朋友
④ 他很爱你吗:不懂
⑤ 如果你有勇气最想是做什么:向他告白
幸福热气球: 第三阶段
① 你被谁点:Lyn
② 他是你的谁:Babe
③ 他的个性是:来得快,也去得快
④ 他长得怎样:很美
⑤ 跟他认识多久:小学就认识了
⑥ 你想跟他说什么:喂,你的照片真的比我还多
⑦ 如果他变成你的情人:不可能

幸福热气球: 第四阶
① 最爱的音乐:抒情,中西乐
② 最爱的季节:冬天
③ 最爱的卡通:Hello Kitty
④ 最爱的颜色:粉红色吧
⑤ 最想去的国家:全世界
⑥ 最爱的水果:都可以
⑦ 最爱的饮料:Apple Juice
⑧ 最爱的人:身边的每一个人
① 你很爱哭吗:是吧
② 你很爱笑吗:对
③ 你是很有信心的人吗:肯定不是
④ 你想要怎样的生活: 无忧无虑
⑤ 你喜欢自己吗: 还好
⑥ 你喜欢音乐吗:喜欢
⑦ 你喜欢体育吗:羽球就很喜欢
⑧ 你喜欢跳舞吗:喜欢,不过骨头很硬
⑨ 你很专情吗:你觉得叻?
⑩ 你喜欢睡觉吗:超喜欢

幸福热气球:第六阶段开始点名 :
1❤ Vivian Koay
2❤Woei Kang
5❤Jia Shyun
6❤Suh Wei
8❤Vivian Chew
9❤Su Yi
10❤Ee Huey
「五号跟谁谈恋爱」- 不懂
「一号 是男的还是女的」- 女
「六号人很好吗」- 还好咯,被她欺负就有,哈
「二号很色吗」- 哈哈,有喽
「八号是单身吗」- 是吧
「十号喜欢一号吗」- 她们是朋友啊
「五号读那间学校」- 中学时同校还同班
「六号喜欢谁」- 不清楚
「二号喜欢唱歌吗」- 乱唱就有
「你爱七号吗」- 爱啊
「三号住哪」- Sungai 2 lo
「四号有宠物吗」- 不懂
如果你有三个愿望,Tell me your wish :
Saturday (20-03-10)
went to Queensbay with my dear, Suh Wei, & Wilson
somebody want to swim to Singapore dyyy
so we having farewell for him
but remember, my dear asked you don't come back after 1 week ya
Before going out =)

大头贴 again with those fellow

Frens ship Eva ya =)
The 'small horse' need to back earlier
so my dear brought her back then went Queens again
okay, we have to let our legs relax sometime
Dear suggested go Fish Spa

geli.... geli... lik kena electric shock =/

about 8 something, my one day gone again luuuuu =(

Friday (19-03-10)
went to Gurney again
but this time only me and Lyn went thr
haa, met him again luuu
before redbox, we having our lunch at Mr.Tepantaki
ordered Salmon set
Yea, our favourite Teehee

Photo by Lyn
came out from redbox about 5pm
then went to Jelutong @ Seaside thr snapped some photos
Here we go...

Edited by Lyn.
Yesh, did u hear me ?

Zi lian-ing ..

two siao po

reached home about 6 something
removed make up but phone rang again
Lyn asked go Queensbay again
Damn, made up again in 10 mins time
geng lea ? haaaa
went 旺角 having my dinner
Lyn have been dinner before she come out
felt freaking uncomfortable in the midnight
felt nausea after that vomit for 4 times
then diarrhea for 4 times
kill me please. at last didn't sleep for a whole night lo =(

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I expected what result i'm going to get
NO doubt.
i can't hit my target
Disappointed with it,Speechless...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

went to Queensbay yesterday

and took photos while waiting the movie start
many pose huh. another 5 pictures in my hand
due to my lazy-ness, i just simply grabbed some from Man's blog
okay, movie started

* Percy Jackson & The Lighting Thief*
Percy Jackson was so so so endao
both of us love the shoes with wings very much
so cute, i wish to get one Heehee

next movie was All Well End Well
I prefered watch Percy more than All well End well
10 thumbs for Percy . Yeaaaaa

Monday, March 8, 2010

07-03-2010( Sunday)
knew that education fair which held at PISA was the last day
so invited Quenyman go together
Ah Beh followed us go too
Quenyman asking for InteriorDesign, Ah Beh asking for Air Crew
And me ? Hotel Management
went back about 4 something
Due to my sister didn't work today
so having our dinner at Sushi King @ E-gate
this was all for today =)

Actually today i've been called the uncle for motor practical
but i think he had been forgotten
then stared out the window, oh my goodness
it was freaking hot,man
so i'm not going to phone the uncle for reminding dyyyy Teehee
Phone rang, Witz asking to accompany her for lunch and banking
I also wanted to bank-in money exactly
so just followed her went to Queensbay
Speedy Mineral Base with SPF 41/PA++
*loves this the most, with shining powder
after done our stuff, we're not going to shopping anymore
but Witz recalled that her friend told her Etude house having 50% sales now
damn worth
and we admitted we quite like the shop design
because is all in pink =D
so we picked this picked that and costed us RM50 ++ personally
spent money again luu......
Bankrup soon =(

Saturday, March 6, 2010

likes tis much =DDD
watched 海派甜心 whole afternoon acted by Xiaozhu and Yang Chen Lin
haha, that movie was so damn funny
i kept laugh non-stop by oneself
people passed by i think they will thought i am insane dyyy
Da Lang ... Da Lang.. Da Lang... Da Lang......
Ishhhhhhh, the dance so cuteeeeeeeee
and the mushroom head, i ahve no comment about it =(
Okay.don't know why suddenly think of peoples around me
felt like i know the way to appreciate them
my family, my relatives,my babes, my buddies,my friends
maybe sometimes, they will comment on me
but all is for my own good
i will try to accept it, but not keep trying to think negatively
Thanks all =)
Is the time for me to think about my future dyyy
SPM result gonna release on 11th of March
i just can't fall asleep after knewing this new
nervous till gonna explode =(
just wanna bless my english don't beside the point, Account don't fail
Po Pi Po Pi......
Form6 ? College ?
well, after get result only decide baaa....

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Quenyman's car
ps: grabbed some photos from Lyn's blog =DDD

Lyn asked us go her house yesterday
due to we also have nothing to do at home
so Lyn drove both of us to her house
we chit-chatted in her room for few hours
then went to eat Tau-Fu-Fah again
Lyn said long time didn't having steamboat togather
so she rejected her friend and went with us at night
Yan Qi joined us too
we left many food there, because we're really full =X
after that, we went to Guerny Drive there chit-chatted again
Kacau KC using mobile phone
and we decided going Dim Sum, Redbox,Movie on next Wednesday
took photo there. I used to be their camera girl
because i don't feel like take photo on that day =(

Monday, March 1, 2010

watched 72 Tenants today at Queensbay
vivian wanna to meet me there
she was ponteng work =X
then about 3 something, we reached there
the movie was damn funny. and made me don't feel lik want to leave the cinema *laugh
After that, we met Lyn at Redbox @ Guerny
Dannis and Yen Jun were there also ( Lyn's friend)
i will not go redbox after 6pm again
costed me alot, man......
Lets show you some picha xDDD

whose hand are that ? sure is that Mantao = =

Vivian* Liz


Best friends eva =)

I love you & you xD


3 siao po

after sing and sang.
wave a farewell to Lyn
then they went for next movie dyyy
so mantao landed vivian at Pragin
then I reached home about 10:30p.m